Jun 20 - Jun 23, 2019

The Enneagram As Spiritual Practice



Kenny Benge

Jill Phillips


Dave Massman (web)


Andy Gullahorn (web)
Gabe Scott (web)


All that you are, every fold and crease of your individuality was devised from all eternity to fit God as a glove fits a hand. All that intimate particularity which you can hardly grasp yourself, much less communicate to your fellow creatures, is no mystery to Him. He made those ins and outs that He might fill them.


Christian thinkers as diverse as John Calvin, Soren Kierkegaard and C.S. Lewis have recognized that knowing God and knowing ourselves are intimately bound together, each reinforcing and deepening the other.

The Gospel is a story of creation, fall and redemption and each of us participates uniquely in each aspect of that Christian story. During this retreat, we explored the wisdom of the Enneagram to assist in finding our story in God. Understanding the Enneagram in the context of the Christian story can provide distinct pathways for transformation by deepening our self-awareness and encouraging contemplative and spiritual practices (means of grace) that allow us to experience the Gospel.


Retreat Audio